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Regular price $10.00 Sale


Medium/ Dark Roast.

Tasting Notes:   Dark Chocolate, Pipe Tobacco, Brown Sugar, Cedar, Dried Plum

Location: MandhelingSumatra

Elevation: 1100-1350 Meters

Varietal: Tim Tim, Catimor, Lasuna

Process: Wet Hulled /Giling Basah

Producers: The Karo Highlands in Northern Sumatra are famous for citrus farms and fruit orchards where you can find coffee estates side by side with rows of orange trees or strawberry fields. Elevations span 1,100 to 1,350masl, and rich volcanic soil from nearby active volcanoes provide nutrients to the bounty of crops that grows here.

Mandheling coffee is named after the Mandheling people in northern Sumatra. Indonesia’s large, westernmost island is home to a wide range of tropical flora, fauna, and microclimates. Farms on Sumatra are typically 0.5 to 2.5 hectares and scattered across remote regions. They are connected by a network of collectors, processors, traders, and exporters that together push the coffee into the global supply chain. Sumatran coffee production dominates Indonesia’s industry, and around 60-70% of the country’s volume is produced here.